
Bad Girl (1931)

While being fitted for a wedding gown, dress model Dorothy Haley complains to another model that she always falls prey to lecherous men like her boss, Mr. Cochran, who tries to get her to go on a drive with him. To ward off her unwanted suitors, Dorothy tells them that her husband is a jealous prizefighter. One day, at an amusement park, Dorothy’s friend Edna Driggs introduces her to Eddy Collins, a radio salesman whom Edna considers a rarity among the male species, in that he does not flirt with every woman he sees. After meeting Dorothy, the disaffected Eddy tells her that “if you don’t want guys to salute you, take down your flag.” Intrigued by Eddy, Dorothy tries to woo him by playing the ukelele for him, but he shows little interest in her and claims that “if a guy makes a pass at you, you call the police; if he doesn’t, you call out the army.” Eventually, Eddy and Dorothy end up dating, but when Eddy discovers that Dorothy lives in a crowded tenement, he snobbishly tells her that he is not geared for a life of scrimping. Later, Eddy brags to his co-workers that he will never marry and that he plans to own his own store. After spending a late evening out with Eddy, Dorothy returns home to face the admonition of her strict brother Jim, who is the orphaned girl’s guardian. When Dorothy accepts Eddy’s marriage proposal without consulting her brother, Jim angrily kicks her out of the house. Dorothy goes to Eddy’s for refuge, but is shocked when she discovers that he has moved out of his boardinghouse, and that he is no longer employed at his job. Eddy later finds Dorothy and tells her that any wife of his will have to quit her job because he wants to be the sole breadwinner. Dorothy consents to his terms, but soon decides that she wants to go back to work. Eddy surprises Dorothy one day when he takes her on a tour of a beautiful apartment and then tells her that he spent all his money to buy the place for them. Dorothy then surprises Eddy when she tells him that she is going to have a baby. Determined to provide only the best for his new wife and the baby-to-come, Eddy seeks the services of Dr. Burgess, a renowned physician, to care for his wife during her pregnancy. Eddy, however, is unable to afford Dr. Burgess’ expensive fees, and decides to ask his pal Joe to fix him up in a fight in order to make some extra money. Exhausted from working nights and fighting fights for ten dollars a round, Eddy pleads with his opponent, Mike, not to knock him out because his wife is expecting a child. Mike, who has two children of his own, empathizes with Eddy and takes the fall himself. Because Eddy is busy making extra money, he is not at home when Dorothy goes into labor, and as a result, Dorothy thinks he does not care about her. When Eddy finally shows up at the hospital, Dorothy immediately thinks that he has been beaten up in a barroom brawl and scorns him. Following Dorothy’s delivery of a baby boy, Dr. Burgess announces that he will donate his services to the young couple, and starts a fifty-dollar savings account for the infant. Later, Dorothy becomes hysterical when she cannot find her child in the hospital. As soon as the baby is found, however, Dorothy realizes that Eddy also loves the baby and the two reconcile. More on Wikipedia

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