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Big Business Girl (1931)

State university graduate Claire McIntyre has great plans for her future and is determined that Johnny Saunders will not interfere with them, even though she loves him very much. She insists that he take a job leading a band in Paris while she looks for work in New York. Claire finally gets a position as a stenographer with the Clayton and Winters advertising firm. She advances rapidly to copy writer, and when she overhears partner Robert J. Clayton comment on her attractiveness, she decides to use sex appeal to help her career. The night she is to have dinner with Clayton and Walter Morley, the head of Detroit’s Sun Motors, one of her accounts, Johnny returns unexpectedly from Paris. Claire refuses to cancel her plans and Johnny storms out of her apartment. At dinner, Claire sells Morley the idea of sponsoring a radio hour with Johnny’s band. Later, Clayton makes a pass at her. She fends him off, but he insists on taking her home. At her apartment, he charms his way inside, kisses her, and encounters a furious Johnny, who announces that he and Claire have been secretly married, before he storms out of the apartment. Johnny is offered the radio program, which is very successful, but although he and Claire still love each other, neither can handle their jealous feelings about the other’s professional life. Clayton, who wants to marry Claire, convinces her that Johnny wants a divorce and arranges for a woman to be caught with him in a New York hotel room. When Claire realizes that Clayton has tricked her, she leaves Detroit, where she has gone on business, and rushes to New York to stop the proceedings. Clayton arrives at Johnny’s hotel with a detective, expecting to find Johnny in the arms of another woman, but instead, he finds Claire and Johnny dancing in each other’s arms. More on Wikipedia

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