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Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

During World War I, U.S. Army Colonel Marshall is stationed in Paris, France, charged with the delivery of important orders pertaining to a major offensive. He receives a series of love notes from Olga, a French flirt whom he tries to keep secret from his wife. In turn, the colonel disapproves of his daughter Eileen’s boyfriend, Lieut. Jim Reed. Meanwhile, buck privates Tommy Turner and Gilbert Simpson are absent without leave (AWOL), disguising themselves as various officers to evade military police and fraternize with the women of Paris. During one of their escapes, Tommy and Gilbert steal the colonel’s car, along with his teenaged daughter Annette. To win them the colonel’s forgiveness, Annette and Olga conspire to make the boys heroes by intercepting an important dispatch intended for Jim, and send them to the front on the lieutenant’s mission. The war ends, and Tommy and Gilbert return to Paris, admitting that they did not complete their task. When the colonel threatens to have them shot, they reveal that he had accidentally substituted the dispatch with of one of Olga’s perfumed love letters. Fearful of both his superiors and his wife, Colonel Marshall agrees to forgive the boys. More on Wikipedia

Watch Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)