Watch The Devil's Holiday (1930)

The Devil’s Holiday (1930)

Hallie Hobart, a man-hating manicurist in a western hotel, builds up a small fortune through side deals with farm machinery salesmen; thus she meets David Stone, the unsophisticated young son of Ezra, a wealthy wheat farmer, and leads him into falling in love with her. But his brother Mark comes to the city to save him from her intrigues, and enraged by his branding her a cheat, she plots revenge. When David proposes marriage, she accepts him; at the farm, Stone forces Mark to be polite; but Ezra is incensed to learn she does not love his son, and she exacts a price to leave them. Later, he appears at her hotel, where she is holding a farewell party, and she begins to regret her action. When David begins to suffer from mental strain, Hallie returns the money, seeking his forgiveness, and they are reconciled. More on Wikipedia

Watch The Devil’s Holiday (1930)